Level - 1- Embedded system
- Build process
- Various domains on embedded
- Types, products
- Microprocessor-products
- Difference between mp&mc
- Microcontroller architecture
- Basic electronics
- Transistor, r, l, c, diodes.
- C programming,
- Embedded program structure
- Stack- various uses
- Sfr- details
- Bank register
- Bit addressable area
- Byte addressable area
- Types of rom
- Difference between flash and eeprom
- What are the components used in flash memory?
- Advantages of flash memory
Flip flop
- Latch
- Difference between ff and latch
- Pin details
- Functions of all the pins
I/O ports
- What type used in ports?
- Why pull up resistor?
- Practical problems with ports?
- Block diagram –external memory interface
- Oscillator
- Why used?
- Machine cycle?
- About execution time?
- How can you choose the frequency range?
- How to check the oscillator?