Course | Diploma in VLSI ( VHDL, Verilog ) | ||
Diploma in VLSI brochure - Download Here | |||
Duration | 4 months | ||
Timing | Theory - 1 hr/per day, Praticals - 2 hr/per day |
- This intensive course rapidly trains Embedded programmers to develop applications and programs on Real time Environment.
- Learn concepts and skills essential to programming and software development for RTOS-based applications and embedded products.
- Electronic background young freshers who want to learn Embedded system.
- Should have basic knowledge on following areas:
- Basic Knowledge On C Programming and Interested to be master in C Language.

Module - 1
Introduction to VLSI
Need for VLSI Technology - Advantages of VLSI - Integration - Origin of EDA tools - Design Styles - Design flow - ApplicationDigital Electronics
Digital Electronics - Introduction to Digital Electronics - Digital fundamentals concepts - Boolean Algebra - Number Systems - Binary Arithmetic Codes - Logic Gates - Karnaugh Maps - Arithmetic circuits – Adder - Subtractor - Comparator - Multiplier - Divider - Parity Generator - Parity Checker - Combinational Logic – Encoders - Decoders - Multiplexer - Demultiplexer.Sequential Logic Circuits
Principles of Sequential Logic Circuits - Basics of Sequential Circuits - Flip flops & Latches Flip flop Conversions - Counters & Registers - Finite State Machines - Verifying Counter Design Using Logic Simulator. Memory Devices - Basic Concepts of PLA - PAL - PLD - RAM - ROM - Real Time Implementation - Basic knowledge of Designing Gates using HDL - Working In Simulation Tool and Synthesis Tool.VHDL
Introduction to VHDL - Why HDL - Types of HDL - Features of VHDL - Basic Data types – bit - bit vector - std_logic - std_logic_vector - std_ulogic - std_ulogic_vector - Data Objects - Example programs - Design of All Basic Gates - Working in simulation Tools - Test Bench Concepts.Types of VHDL Modeling
Data Flow - Signal Assignment - Selected Signal Assignment - Conditional Signal Assignment - Structural - Component Declaration - Component - Instantiation - Design of NAND Gate - Half Adder - Full Adder. Behavioral - Process Statements - Sequential Statements – Conditional Statements - Multiway Branching - Loop Statements - WAIT statements - Operators and Data types - Logical - Relational ,Shifter - Addition Addition - Multiplication ,Data types – Scalar - Composite.FSM
Finite State Machines - FSM types - designing of counters using FSM - Memories - Design of RAM and ROM using VHDL.
Module - 2
PackagesSubprograms and packages - Functions - Procedures - User defined packages Declaration ,Package Definition - Advanced Topics - Generic - Generate statement - Assertion - Delay Modeling - Synthesis - Introduction to FPGA & CPLD architecture - How to work in synthesis tools & synthesizing the HDL - codes - Kit Architecture.Verilog HDLWhy HDL - Types of HDL - Features of Verilog HDL - Verilog Programming Structures - Basic operator – Logical - Example programs - Design of All Basic Gates - Working in simulation Tools - Test Bench Concepts - Operator - Arithmetic - Relational ,Equality - Bitwise - Reduction - Shift - Conditional - Concatenation - Replication - Data Types & Basic Concepts of verilog HDL - Net Types - Register types - Lexical Conventions - Number Specification - Strings - Identifiers & Keywords - Arrays - Memories - Parameters.Types of Verilog HDL ModelingData Flow Continuous Assignment - Delays - Structural - Component Instantiation - Primitive Gate Modeling - Gate Delays - Behavioral - Structured Procedure Statements - Procedural Assignments - Sequential Statements – Conditional - Multiway Branching - Loop Statements - Timing Controls - Sequential & Parallel Blocks.Advanced Verilog HDL ModelingProcedural Continuos Assignment - Overriding Parameters - Timescale - System Tasks - Compiler Directives - Tasks & Function - Difference between Task & function - Task & Function Declaration - Task & Function Definitions - Finite State Machine Fsm types - Designing of counters using FSM - Memories - Design of RAM and ROM using Verilog HDL. Advanced Topics - File Handling - UDPs - Logic Synthesis with Verilog HDLSynthesis ToolSynthesis - Introduction to FPGA & CPLD architecture - How to work in synthesis tools & synthesizing the HDL - codes - Hardware Interface - Interfacing concepts - Interfacing Keypad - Interfacing ADC-DAC. |