Arrays in PHP- Usage of Arrays in PHP
- Adding and Removing from Arrays
- One-dimensional Arrays
PHP Functions - Introduction to Functions
- Declaring Functions
- Scope
- Passing Arguments to Functions
- Returning Values from a Function
- Using Include Files
Classes And Objects (PHP 5) - Autoloading Objects
- Constructors and Destructors
- Visibility
- Scope Resolution Operator (::)
- Static Keyword
- Class Constants
- Class Abstraction
- Object Interfaces
- Overloading
- Object Iteration
| Using MySQL 5.0 Create & Manage Database and tables - Connecting to and Disconnecting from the Server
- Entering Queries
- Creating and Using a Database
Data Manipulation Statements & Control Statements Stored Procedures and Functions - Stored Routines and the Grant Tables
- Stored Routine Syntax
- Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, and LAST_INSERT_ID()
Triggers - CREATE TRIGGER Syntax
- Using Triggers
Views Introduction to the Apache Web Server - Configuration Files
- PHP Installation and Configuration
- WWW Sites within Apache
- Website Properties
- RPM Installation vs. Binary Installation