Course Overview
- Linux Introduction
- Javascript + CSS
- PHP5 Programming
- MySQL for Developer
- CakePHP - Framework - Introduction
- Drupal - CMS - Introduction
- Apache - Web Server
- LAMP is an acronym for a solution stack of free, open source software, originally coined from the first letters of Linux (operating system), Apache HTTP Server, MySQL (database software) and Perl/PHP/Python, principal components to build a viable general purpose web server.
- The exact combination of software included in a LAMP package may vary, especially with respect to the web scripting software, as PHP may be replaced or supplemented by Perl and/or Python.
- Similar terms exist for essentially the same software suite (AMP) running on other operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows (WAMP), Mac OS (MAMP), Solaris (SAMP), or OpenBSD (OAMP).
- This hands on PHP Programming course provides the knowledge necessary to design and develop dynamic, database-driven web pages using PHP version 5.
- PHP is a web language which is , quick to learn, easy to deploy and provides substantial functionality required for e-commerce.
- This course introduces the PHP framework and syntax, and covers in depth the most important techniques used to build dynamic web sites.
- Students will learn how to connect to any ODBC-compliant database, and perform hands on practice with a MySQL database to create database-driven HTML forms and reports.
- Students also learn how to configure PHP and Apache Web Server.
- Comprehensive lab exercises provide facilitated hands on practice crucial to develop competence web sites.
- Basic computer skills and knowledge of HTML fundamentals

- Static vs. Dynamic Web Sites
- Dynamic Content from Databases
- Developing Dynamic Internet Applications
- Client-Side Scripting vs. Server-Side Scripting
- Overview of PHP Advantages & Capabilities
- Configuring PHP.INI
- PHP vs. ASP
- PHP Scripting Fundamentals
- Print Statement
- Code Blocks
- Primitive Data Types
- Defining Constants and Variables
- Looping Constructs
- While
- Do While
- For
- Exit & Break
- Logical Operators
- Relational Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Other Operators
Overview Of PHP
Basic Scripting and Looping Constructs
PHP Operators

Arrays in PHPPHP FunctionsClasses And Objects (PHP 5) |
Using MySQL 5.0Create & Manage Database and tablesData Manipulation Statements & Control StatementsStored Procedures and FunctionsTriggersViewsIntroduction to the Apache Web Server |