- Advanced Logo Design Distinctive logos are easily recognized worldwide. In this class, you'll build your portfolio by creating challenging logo designs.
- Lessons will cover corporate identity, branding, image, and repositioning, with reference to real-world case studies.
- Class exercises will offer a range of creative challenges, allowing you to build your personal style while fulfilling realistic project briefs.
- This class addresses each stage of the logo design process, from concept to execution and client presentation.
- When a business client calls, you'll be ready to wow them with your innovative logo designs.
- Adobe Illustrator or equivalent vector-based illustration program.
- Basic experience in graphic design and the software packages needed for this course.

- Develop an understanding of how logo design evolved from early logo marks to the icons of today's consumer society.
- Create three distinct logos in black and white for a record label.
- Develop an understanding of the influences of corporate identity, image, and branding on logo design.
- Develop a brand design including a overall brand, logo, and identity for an airline.
- Develop strategies and techniques for brainstorming creative logo ideas.
- Create two visual identity marks for a major sports event at a city.
- Understand and express the fundamental properties of successful logos.
- Create three distinct logos, a brief, and a criteria matrix for a movie studio.
- Learn techniques for the contraction phase of a logo design project and for working with clients.
- Create a branding statement and three visual identities for a designer or design agency.
- Learn approaches for the finalization and presentation phase of logo design.
- Finalize a visual identity for a designer or design agency and develop visual mockups of the logo's application.

Visual CommunicationWhat makes a logo work? In Lesson One, the logo developer shares his personal vision of visual communication. Successful logos achieve a tradeoff between flexibility (appearing anywhere, at any size) and communication. To build a conceptual foundation, you'll look at the purpose of logo design from ancient times to today's consumer society, exploring the fundamental properties of a successful logo. Identity, Image, and BrandingWe're all familiar with the power of a major brand (Nike, anyone?). But designers often confuse the differences between corporate identity, image, and branding. Lesson Two clarifies the issues and focuses squarely on branding—the essence, character, and purpose of a company and its services. The process by which a company builds and extends or repositions a brand is explored, with reference to contrasting case studies. Expansion and EvolutionLesson Three looks at the critical first stage of any professional logo design process. You'll examine the logo expansion/evolution phase, in which you set up a client meeting to determine his or her needs, produce a creative brief, and brainstorm a range of options. Strategies for effective logo brainstorming are discussed, with an emphasis on opening the door to creativity and productivity. Identity ImperativesA successful logo conveys the essential identity of a company or individual— saying "I'm friendly" or "strong" or "smart." Lesson Four explores the various techniques logo designers use to create identity: spacing, color, shape, and letterform. You'll learn tricks of the trade to add impact and personality to your logo designs. Contraction and DefinitionLesson Five covers the second step in the logo design process: the contraction phase. After a second client meeting, the designer's options are generally narrowed to a few leading logo designs. Armed with client feedback, the designer focuses on honing the artwork, addressing such key issues as legibility, simplicity, and typography. Finalization and PresentationTo become a successful logo designer, you must know how to pitch your work. This involves both presenting the logo effectively and handling client feedback in a professional manner that moves the project forward. Lesson Six deals with these real-world issues: how to schedule and price logo projects, how to make client presentations, and how to give the client tools for measuring the project's success. |