XML Basics
- Elements
- Attributes
- Whitespace
- XML Syntax Rules
- Special Characters
- Creating a Simple XML File
Quick Introduction to XHTML
- The DOCTYPE Declaration
- XHTML Strict
- XHTML Transitional
- XHTML Frameset
- The Document Element
- A Sample XHTML Document
- Well-formed vs. Valid
- The Purpose of DTDs
- Creating DTDs
- The Document Element
- Other Elements
- Choice of Elements
- Empty Elements
- Mixed Content
XML Schema Basics
- The Purpose of XML Schema
- The Power of XML Schema
- A First Look
- A Simple XML Schema
- Validating an XML Instance Document
User-derived Simple Types
- Applying Facets
- Controlling Length
- Specifying Patterns
- Working with Numbers
- Enumerations
- Whitespace-handling
Declaring Global Simple-Type Elements
- Global vs. Local Simple-Type Elements
- Default Values
- Fixed Values
- Nil Values
Elements and Attributes
- xsl:element
- xsl:attribute
- Attributes and Curly Brackets