Learn Bench


  • Understand the steps necessary to invoke MySQL client programs
  • Utilize the general-purpose mysql client program and the MySQL Query Browser graphical user interface (GUI) to run queries and retrieve results
  • Select the best data type for representing information in MySQL
  • Manage the structural characteristics of your databases and the tables within your databases
  • Utilize the SELECT statement to retrieve information from database tables
  • Utilize expressions in SQL statements to retrieve more detailed information
  • Utilize SQL statements to modify the contents of database tables
  • Write join expressions in your SQL statements to obtain information from multiple tables
  • Utilize subqueries in your SQL statements
  • Create views utilizing SELECT statements to produce virtual tables of specific data
  • Perform bulk data import and export operations
  • Create user defined variables, prepared statements and stored routines
  • Configure and Optimize MySQL


  • Having attended the MySQL for Beginners course or some experience with Relational Databases and SQL

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